
Healthy and glowing skin is beautiful skin and all of us dream of having glowing and flawless skin. But, unfortunately, poor diet, unhealthy food choices, improper skin care and excessive exposure to environmental pollution and harsh sun-rays makes our skin dull, lifeless and prone to acne, pimples and pigmentation.
Although, there are a wide range of beauty and skin products like creams, gels and lotions that promise instant brightness and glow, it is best to stay away from these over the counter creams because most are loaded with bleach, chemicals and toxins that show severe negative effects in the long run. Natural tips for healthy skin always emphasis on the use of natural skin whiteners and face packs for healthy glowing skin. There are various skin types like dry skin, oily skin, normal skin and combination skin that require a different type of skin care. In this article, we have listed the best natural face masks for acne, pimples, oily skin and dry skin.
Before getting on with the face packs let us check out guidelines about how you need to apply these face masks on your skin for a better result.
Masks should be applied only to clean face.
The face should be wiped properly without any moisture in the upper layer.
The mask should not be applied around the eyes, or lips part.
Those who have oily or dry skin, they should remove the mask within 10 minutes.
Fruit face pack and face mask using natural ingredients are always safe bait when it comes to skin care because these ingredients have no potential side effects and have been in use from the times of our grandmothers.
CARROT MASK: We all know about the benefit of carrot juice for weight loss, but it is also an effective ingredient for skin care. Carrots are a rich source of beta carotene, vitamins C and K all of which are really beneficial for healthy skin. It makes the perfect natural face pack for oily skin by soaking excess sebum. The natural antibacterial properties of honey prevent acne and pimples. In addition it also closes the open pores, moisturizes skin to make it soft and supple and gives a boost to the complexion. Carrot masks can help us to prevent wrinkles and balance out the oily skin surface. It also smoothens your skin by providing a sufficient amount of Vitamin A.
1 or 2 fresh carrots
1/2 tablespoon honey
Grind the carrot extract mix with 1 tbsp. honey and apply it to the face. Let the pack dry for 15 minutes on your face, later you can wash it with cold water for amazing results.
AVOCADO MASK: The avocado banana hair mask is renowned as a natural hair conditioner, but avocado is great for the skin as well. It is just not a coincidence than avocados form an essential ingredient in various popular natural beauty treatments. Avocados are rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that rejuvenate the skin from inside. The antioxidant carotenoids alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein prevent skin aging and improve the skin’s thickness and density. It is packed with vitamin E that protects the skin from the UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Avocado Mask is very effective for dry skin types and skin tan. Recent experiments proved that this amazing fruit contains many healthful fats and vitamins and can cure cancer.
1/4 cup avocado extract mixed with water.
1 tablespoon of honey
Mix all the ingredients as a mixture and apply it to your face. Let the pack dry for 15 minutes, and later you can wash it with cold water.
POTATO MASK: Potatoes are well known for getting clear skin naturally, reducing pigmentation and age spots and removing skin tan. It is the perfect ingredient for the face pack for glowing skin. It is a rich source of vitamin C, the essential skin vitamin along with vitamins A, B, phosphorus, potassium, protein and iron that helps in improving the overall health of the skin. Potato masks are good for your skin, as they help us to relieve sunburns. Curd, on the other hand, works as a natural bleaching agent and moisturizer that help in removing dullness of skin and adding an attractive glow to it.
1 spoon smashed potato paste
1/2 spoon curd
Add all the ingredients and apply to face, wash your face with cold water after 15 minutes.
OATMEAL MASK: The health benefits of oatmeal are well known, but it also makes the best natural face mask for skin exfoliation and is the ultimate answer to the question of how to get rid of dead skin cells. The oatmeal mask can be used for exfoliating the skin for effective removal of dead cells, dirt and deposits from the skin. It helps in unclogging the pores and reducing the chances of acne and pimple breakouts. Milk is the best natural moisturizer that provides soft and smooth skin, soothes sunburn and skin irritation and lightens the skin tone. It works as an effective toner to shrink open pores and provide an even appearance to the skin. An oatmeal mask is used to smoothen your skin and help to maintain its glow for much longer period of time.
1/2 spoon oatmeal
Sufficient quantity of Milk and Water
Mix all the above ingredients and soak it for some time, and then apply it to face and clean it with cold water after 15 minutes.
TOMATO MASK: Tomato is the ultimate solution to all skin problems. Tomato juice is often used in homemade facial for oily skin. The acidic nature of tomatoes helps in fighting acne and pimples, vitamins A and C found in this juicy vegetable improve the health of the skin, reduces oiliness by shrinking the big pores on your cheeks. The antioxidants and lycopene present in tomatoes helps in retaining moisture in the skin and fight cellular damage by neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. Dry lemon peel powder acts as an amazing facial scrub for perfect skin exfoliation. Tomato mask is very much useful for oily skin types.
1 Tomato
1/2 spoon of dried lemon peel powder
2 to 3 drops of lemon juice
Take tomato paste and mix lemon peel powder and lemon juice in it and apply to face, wash your face with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
WHEAT GERM MASK: Wheat germ is a good source of vitamin D, E which helps in nourishing the skin and is gentle enough for dry and sensitive skin. Both wheat germ and wheat germ oil have been used for ages topically and internally for treating various skin conditions. It is an effective natural herb that aids in healing skin conditions. Being loaded with nutrients like vitamin A, B, D along with antioxidants and fatty acids, it makes the perfect face pack for dry skin that heals dry, flaky and cracked skin in a soothing and nourishing way. It is a rich source of vitamin E that prevents skin damage and supports the formation of collagen in order to maintain even skin tone. Olive oil is one of the best natural oils for skin that helps in hydrating skin, enhancing skin elasticity and softness and helps in regeneration of skin cells. The combination of wheat germ and olive oil makes it the best face pack for dry skin.
1 Spoon of Wheat germ powder
1/2 spoon of oatmeal
1 spoon of olive oil
1 spoon of fresh milk cream
Prepare a mixture of wheat germ powder and oatmeal and then add olive oil and cream and apply it to face, wash your face with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
COOLING MASK: A cooling mask made using milk, sandalwood powder & fenugreek is the best natural face mask to soothe and cool skin burn and suntan caused by excessive exposure to the sun rays. This face pack can be used to relax and rejuvenate the skin after a day out in the beach. Sandalwood is a widely used ingredient of ancient Ayurveda and its distinct pleasing aroma and cooling and relaxing properties makes it a common ingredient in soaps, powders, creams and face packs. The natural astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of white or red sandalwood powder helps in curing skin blemishes and skin eruptions caused by heat and it also relieves skin irritation caused by prickly heat.
1 Spoon of Milk powder
1/2 Spoon of Oatmeal
1/2 Spoon of wheat germ
1 Spoon of sandal powder
1 Spoon of barley powder
1/2 Spoon of Fenugreek powder
Soak oatmeal for about 10 minutes in water, and then mix all other ingredients and apply to face, wash your face with lukewarm water 15 minutes.
YEAST MASK: Yeast is a less known remedy for skin, but homemade face pack often contains brewer’s yeast which a good source of B vitamins, protein, selenium and chromium. Yeast provides the necessary energy to the skin cells and helps in treating skin conditions such as acne, boils and eczema. Yeast is a rich supplement of vitamin B and helps in protecting our skin in the autumn season. Usually, our skin will be prone to a sudden change in warm and coldness in the air; this is where yeast mask can bring amazing improvement to your face.
1 Spoon of breweries yeast,
2 Spoons of milk cream
Mix the ingredients and apply to face, wash your face with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. Wash your face again with cold water, and don’t rub the face with any tissue until it dries completely.
WINTER MASK: Yeast is a rich supplement of vitamin B and helps in protecting our skin in the autumn season as our skin will be prone to a sudden change in warm and coldness in the air.
1 spoon of breweries yeast
Required quantity of distilled water
Mix yeast in distilled water and make it a paste. Apply it to skin and wash your face with hot water after 15 minutes.
OLIVE OIL MASK: The benefits of olive oil for body and skin need no new introduction. Olive oil is the ultimate fountain of youth that helps in hydrating and moisturizing even excessively dry skin and preventing the appearance of the signs of skin aging like wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Being a rich source of vitamin C, D and E and antioxidants it helps in regenerating and moisturizing the skin. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that brightens the skin when it is mixed with Olive oil, as it helps to remove blackheads and wrinkles.
1 Spoon of Olive oil
1/2 Spoon of lemon juice
Mix the ingredients and apply to face, clean it with water after 15 minutes. This mask helps us to have a glowing skin.
PUDINA MASK: A pudina or mint mask is the best natural solution to the question of how to reduce oily skin naturally. Mint leaves are loaded with menthol along with the anti-bacterial properties that help in removing excessive oil from the skin and controlling sebum production. Mint is often used in the manufacture of skin cleansers, toners and astringents for its cooling effect. It helps in soothing and calming itchy and infected skin. Vitamin A present in mint strengthens skin tissues and improves the texture of the skin. Pudina leaves will smoothen your skin and also helps in removing scars.
A handful of Pudina leaves
1 Tablespoon of rose water
Make the powder of dried pudina leaves and mix rose water in it to make it a paste. Apply it to face and clean it with water after 2 hours.
These are the 11 natural face packs for all skin types in any season. If you think any of these face packs are not suitable for your skin, simply try a little patch of the pack on your skin to check whether you have any itching or burning sensation.
Diet also plays an important role in skin care and skin care remains incomplete without the inclusion of healthy foods in the daily diet. A healthy diet for skin comprises of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lentils and low-fat dairy products.
We hope you make these face packs in home with any trouble. Please leave us your valuable comments and feedback.